Miss Alice returns home after searching for Mr. Phillips for five years. He disappeared off the face of the earth. There are strange things about that tree in the garden. The part of Anthony is played with a delightful Yorkshire accent. There’s an old adage about letting sleeping dogs lie but sometimes that’s not so easy, sometimes they won’t lie still, sometimes they walk in the night. They might have warned Alice Towers and the people of the little English village of Whitby about that but they probably wouldn’t have noticed. The mysterious disappearance of Philip Towers five years ago was all but forgotten and the flood that had just engulfed the surrounding countryside was still the main topic of conversation. That was when Alice Towers came home arriving at the little station on the 10:15 train…
Original Air Date: April 30, 1945
Host: Andrew Rhynes
Show: The Whistler
• Bill Forman
• Bob Anderson
• George W. Allen
• Wilbur Hatch
Intro and Exit music from: Resurgence by Ghostrifter https://bit.ly/ghostrifter-sc