Just before the start of WWII, a Nazi spy in Africa plans to impersonate a ne’er-do-well nobleman in England to spy for the Germans. The Germans are about to march into Poland and you are standing in an English manor house with a complete list of Nazi Agents in your possession. While facing you, guns drawn, are three people, who to get that list, would gladly kill you.
Original Air Date: April 23, 1949
Host: Andrew Rhynes
Show: Escape
• Ben Wright
Special Guests:
• Jeanne Bates
• John Dehner
• George Windsor
• Theodore Von Eltz
• Edgar Barrier
• Anne Morrison
• Parley Baer
• John Ramsey Hill
• E Phillips Oppenheim
• Walter Newman
Editorial Supervisor:
• John Dunkel
• Norman MacDonnell
• Ivan Ditmars
Intro and Exit music from: Resurgence by Ghostrifter https://bit.ly/ghostrifter-sc