Two drummer boys who show a British regiment the meaning of courage in battle. You are deep in the remote hill country of Afghan face to face with the fierce Bataan Warriors trapped in to a hopeless fight from which there seems no escape… Set in the North of India at a battle long remembered as Rudyard Kipling described it in his famous story The Drums of the Fore and Aft
Original Air Date: July 14, 1949
Host: Andrew Rhynes
Show: Escape
• Ben Wright (Rudyard Kipling)
• Hugh Thomas (Piggy Lew)
• Terry Kilburn (Scrawny Jakin)
Special Guests:
• Colleen Collins
• John Ramsey Hill
• Alec Harford
• Wilms Herbert
• Tudor Owen
• Rudyard Kipling
• Les Crutchfield
• Norman MacDonnell
• Wilbur Hatch
Intro and Exit music from: Resurgence by Ghostrifter