Tags : Les_Crutchfield

The Fortune of Vargas | Escape (09-21-49)
Red Wine (Willard Waterman) | Escape (08-11-49)
Action (Joseph Kearns) | Escape (07-21-49)
The Drums of the Fore and Aft (Ben Wright) | Escape (07-14-49)
The General Died at Dawn | Escape (04-16-49)
When the Man Comes Follow Him | Escape (04-09-49)
The Diamond as Big as the Ritz | Escape (03-27-49)
A Shipment of Mute Fate | Escape (03-13-49)
Dream of Armageddon | Escape (09-05-48)
The Diamond as Big as the Ritz | Escape (08-29-48)