Tags : Gerald_Mohr
Plunder of the Sun | Escape (11-08-49)
- OTNetcast
- 1949, Charlie_Lung, Drama, Escape, Gerald_Mohr, Harry_Bartell, John_Dunkel, Lloyd_Del_Castillo, Lucille_Meredith, Mystery, November, Old_Time_Radio, otr, Paul_Frees, Tony_Barrett, William_N._Robson
- ES Season 49, Escape, Mystery
Leiningen Versus the Ants (Tudor Owen) | Escape (08-04-49)
- OTNetcast
- 1949, August, Carl_Stephenson, Drama, Escape, Gerald_Mohr, Mystery, Norman_MacDonnell, Old_Time_Radio, otr, Richard_Sanville, Robert_Wright, Tudor_Owen, Wilbur_Hatch
- ES Season 49, Escape, Mystery